Biaminoée is applied mainly for
recovery purposes and strengthens
the immune system.
Today, DAGON has developed several
derived products for sportsmen,
fitness athletes, bodybuilders,
endurance sportsmen, etc.
Biaminoée® is a high-grade biological food supplement whose active ingredients comprise the full range of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Many families and athletes today regard it as perfectly natural to take a food supplement. However, the choice of supplement has everything to do with the information we are given on these substances and their effectiveness.
Why Biaminoée® ?
Biaminoée® comes under the category of adaptogens - a collective name used for a group of substances enabling the body to adapt better to stressful circumstances.
More than ever before, we are exposed to a variety of stressful situations on a daily basis. Examples are noise, radi- ation, tension in the professional or personal sphere, the necessity to process vast quantities of information, jet-lag or changes in weather conditions : stress factors, every single one of them, whose impact can be exacerbated by the wrong choice of diet.
By combining a range of active ingredients used in their original form, Biaminoée® protects the body against the harmful influences of these stress factors. The body thus becomes considerably more capable of combating these influences. This is what Uneaminoée and Biaminoée® adaptogenic effect is all about. This targeted effect and the combination of active ingredients set Biaminoée® apart from most other food supplements.
What does Biaminoée® do ?
Biaminoée® enable the body to cancel out the negative influence caused by these stress factors. The rate of cellular and tissue renewal is enhanced thanks to the accelerated synthesis of body proteins. The result ?
• Recovery from imbalance
• Combating of fatigue
• Protection of the liver
• Counteracting of depression
• Counteracting of cellular ageing
• Enhancement of activity level
• Improvement of stress resistance
• Constructive effect
• Improvement of immune system
• Easier recovery from injury, improved tissue recovery
• Lessening of jet lag
• Heightening of the powers of concentration
• Improvement of the metabolism by boosting the nitrogen balance
• Promotion of the synthesis of body proteins
The certificate does not release the user from the responsibility of undertaking his own tests of the characteristics of the product and its suitability in the intended application. This certificate was processed automatically and therefore has no signature.
Biaminoée® target groups/application.
• Those whose duties do not require them to make physically strenuous efforts.
• The perfect helper for those whose duties require them to concentrate for lengthy periods of time
• Encourages an improved daily rhythm and boots energy levels
• Supports the immune system
• For those suffering injuries, helps the tissue to recover
• In excessively stressful circumstances
• Those whose duties require them to make physically strenuous efforts, including athletes
• In support of power-lifting and/or fitness training
• Gives you the performing edge by enabling full recovery
• As a cell cure, for the renewal of cellular matter, especially of high-performance organs such as the brain, the heart, the muscles and the skin.
• Those whose duties do not require them to make physically strenuous efforts.
• The perfect helper for those whose duties require them to concentrate for lengthy periods of time
• Encourages an improved daily rhythm and boots energy levels
• Supports the immune system
• For those suffering injuries, helps the tissue to recover
• In excessively stressful circumstances
Biaminoée® is a perfect foodsupplement because it works.
Biaminoée® has been approved by the Dutch Ministry of Health as a food supplement.
Biologically High-value protein concentrate
APB 1127-034
An adult man or woman needs 10 respectively 15 mg. of iron a day. So it is important to refresh some elementary concepts concerning nutritional iron.
A distinction has to be made between two main categories of iron : haemin iron and non-haemin iron.
The certificate does not release the user from the responsibility of undertaking his own tests of the characteristics of the product and its suitability in the intended application. This certificate was processed automatically and therefore has no signature.
Haemin iron
This kind of iron forms a compound with haemoglobin or myoglobin. It can be found in red meat.
Liver contains approximately 8 mg. per 100g. Red maet in the form of muscular meat contains 3 mg. per 100g. White meat like veal or poultry contains 1 to 2 mg. per 100g. Fish contains about 2 mg. per 100g.
The advantage of haemin iron is that it penetrates much easier through the intestinal mucosa than non-haemin iron does.
In order to be assimilated haemin iron does not need to be separated from the protein molecule. Even in cases of achlorhydria or achulia it is assimilated by the blood. Approximately 20% of this haemin iron can be used by the organism.
Non-haemin iron
This kind of iron does not form a compound with haemoglobin or myoglobin. It is mainly found in certain pulses : 6 mg. per 100g., in spinach: 3 to 5 mg. per 100g., in bread: 1 to 3 mg. per 100g., for white or wholemeal bread respectively. In eggs: 3 mg. per 100g. in the whole egg and 7 mg. per 100g. in the yolk.
Some chocolates contain up to 4mg. per 100g. Milk and dairy products contain little iron, i.e. 1 mg. per 100g.
It is hard for iron to penetrate the intestinal mucosa. It has to be ionized, which happens in the stomach and the first part of the duodenum due to the acid environment.
No more than approximately 10% of the iron can be released and in the case of achlorhydria it is not released at all. Then it has to be reduced to bivalent iron, which happens under the influence of the acidity and the reducing effect of the environment.
Only the ferro-ion penetrates the intestinal mucosa.
This means :
• that in case of achlorhydria iron is not reduced to a bivalent ion.
• that iron can penetrate through the intestinal mucosa into a small part of the gastointestinal tract.
Moreover various nutritional components can form irreversible compounds with iron, thus making it useless. This is true e.g. for phytin acid, present in brans or wholemeal bread, and for oxalic acid, present in spinach and sorrel.
All in all the organism uses only 4% of the non-haemin iron from nutrition.
This product contains 260 mg. haemin iron per 100g.
As a nutritional supplement it is ideally suited for each form of sideropenic amaenia. As shown in the foregoing, there is an enormous difference in resorption possibilities of administered iron. Therefore all attention should focus on the use of haemin iron.
The certificate does not release the user from the responsibility of undertaking his own tests of the characteristics of the product and its suitability in the intended application. This certificate was processed automatically and therefore has no signature.
If however that kind of iron is mainly found in meat, too many saturated fats will be digested too. The same applies to the use of black pudding.
So iron deficiency, which is frequently found in adolescents, is an indication to take a small amount of Biaminoée® every day. This is all the more true as a masked iron deficiency can affect both physical and intellectual performance. Iron deficiency also decreases resistance to colds and infections.
When talking about iron deficiency one should not forget the elderly, who suffer from this more often, resulting in a number of syndromes.
Sporting performances require a bigger iron consumption. So the reserves have to be daily replenished, cfr. iron defi- ciency in pasta-eaters.
• In severe cases of sideropenic anaemia we recommend using at least 10 Biaminoée® tablets a day.
• In less severe cases 6 tablets a day suffice. Duration varies from 3 to 9 months.
• In persistent cases of iron deficiency we also recommended a simultaneous, prolonged intake of Vitamin C.
The certificate does not release the user from the responsibility of undertaking his own tests of the characteristics of the product and its suitability in the intended application. This certificate was processed automatically and therefore has no signature.